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reversed position中文是什么意思

用"reversed position"造句"reversed position"怎么读"reversed position" in a sentence


  • 反位


  • Always reverse position when the trend changes
  • Using powers of the spirit world , she can blast her enemies with pure magical energy and reverse positions with others
  • Indeed , the afl - cio , once an opponent of high immigration quotas , has reversed position and is now attempting to organize immigrants
  • When an option of grain is very active , declining fast and making lower tops and lower bottoms each day , after is has declined 7 days or more , you should make your stop loss order 1 ? above each day ' s top , and when your stops are caught , reverse position and buy , placing stop loss order 1 ? under the previous day ' s bottom
  • The problems are existing in different degree , such as school education is subject to school examination , it takes the high score as the aim that teaching and learning seeks , examination design and practice is not enough scientific and is wild about copying the mode of the elective examinations out of school , the examination statute construction lags behind the demands of examination practice developing , etc . the roots are stale concept , reversed position , garbled character , random operating and disturbing by the environment
用"reversed position"造句  
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